Request Headers: --> DLC Chamber Board of Directors

DLC Chamber Board of Directors

Wes Chambers
Chairman Dahlonega Country Day Academy, LLC, Owner
Wes, who was born and raised in Toccoa, Georgia, has lived in Dahlonega since 2004. He is a decorated Marine Corps combat veteran and a 2006 gradu...
Dathan Harbert
Vice-Chair Consolidated Gold Mines, Inc., General Manager
Dathan Harbert is the General Manager of Consolidated Gold Mines and has been with the company since 2006.  He holds a Master of Business Administr...
Greg Stipe
Treasurer StayDahlonega, Managing Member
Kim Bell
Secretary ConnectAbility, Inc., Director of Community Connections
Tammy Soles
Executive Committee At-Large Member Northeast Georgia Health System, Director of Clinical Care & Staff Development
My name is Tammy Soles, I am the Director of Clinical Care & Staff Development for Northeast Ga. Physicians Group. I have been with Northeast Ga. H...
Catherine Ariemma
Dahlonega Square Hotel & Villas, Owner/Manager
This former high school social studies teacher and Gifted Coordinator, owns and operates The Dahlonega Square Hotel & Villas in the historic distri...
Jessica Brown
University of North Georgia, Associate Director, University Events
Jessica "Bird" Brown is the Associate Director of University Events at the University of North Georgia and has worked at UNG since 2010. In this ro...
Katherine Galbraith
Northside Hospital Forsyth, Director of Business Development
Nathan Gardner
Satellite Industries, Director of Operations
My name is Nate Gardner and I am the Director of Operations at Satellite Industries overseeing both facilities in Dahlonega. I currently live in Cu...
Blair Housley
Etowah, CEO / Wine and Beer maker
Allyson Peterson
Peterson Construction Company LLC
Peterson Construction Company LLC is a Dahlonega based, veteran owned licensed and insured General Contractor.  With experience in both residential...
Clark Pierce
Stringer Insurance Agency, Agent
Clark was born and raised in Dahlonega, Ga where he graduated Lumpkin County High School.  After high school he attended North Georgia College and ...
Emilyn Slemons
University of North Georgia, UNG Student Chamber Board
 I am a history major in the Honors Program at the University of North Georgia. I derive my sense of purpose from working to address the needs of m...
Allen Storey
Real Property Management Stellar, Owner/President
Born and raised in Decatur, Georgia and attended Gordon and Norcross High Schools. After graduating Norcross High School, attended and graduated No...