JTEKT - Dahlonega Plant

JTEKT - Dahlonega Plant



About Us

JTEKT North America was established in 2013 bringing together all of JTEKT’s global products under one regional umbrella. With over 5,400 people and 14 manufacturing facilities the companies that make up JTEKT North America have been doing business since 1958, supplying bearings, driveline components, steering systems, and machine tools.

Koyo Bearings North America LLC
•US Operations for Koyo Brand Ball, Needle, and Roller Bearings.
•Major supplier to both OE and aftermarket customers in a wide variety of industries including: Agri-con, Automotive, Electric Motor Repair, Machine Tool, Power Sports, Steel, and Wind.
•Formerly doing business under the names Koyo Corporation of USA and Koyo Bearings USA, LLC.


Printed courtesy of www.dlcchamber.org/ – Contact the Dahlonega-Lumpkin County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
342 Courthouse Hill, Suite E, Dahlonega, GA 30533 – 706-867-3762 – info@DLCchamber.org