Entertaining audiences in his hometown of Hiawassee, Georgia as early as age eight, Wyatt’s passion for music was obvious. Combining electric guitar with traditional bluegrass roots led to a noticeably unique sound and a growing fan base in and around Dahlonega. A singer-songwriter born and raised in North Carolina, Austin Coleman grew up to the sounds of southern rock, classic rock, and folk-country music. His inspirations span from vintage artists such as the Eagles, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Bob Seger. Georgia born singer-songwriter and roots-rock artist Cody Marlowe found his inspiration at an early age in the soulful sounds of B.B. King, Merle Haggard, and the Allman Brothers. Marlowe’s songs explore the polarities of good and evil in an intriguing blend of lyrics featuring lost loves and hopeful musings. For more info visit: www.wyattespalinmusic.com http://www.austincolemanmusic.com/ www.codymarlowe.com/
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT
Aug. 11th at 8pm
$10 advance, $13 at the door
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Printed courtesy of www.dlcchamber.org/ – Contact the Dahlonega-Lumpkin County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
342 Courthouse Hill, Suite E, Dahlonega, GA 30533 – 706-867-3762 – info@DLCchamber.org